Monday, November 16, 2009


this is going to be my "brady thru the ages" post.... starting at the bottom:

1. in the hospital on his birthday. his lungs were great but they were just being cautious. born at 4lbs 4oz.

2. 7/31 (1w1d)

3. 7/31 -- shows how tiny he is!

4. 8/19 (almost 4w)

5. 8/19 -- getting bigger!

6. 9/4 (6w1d)

7. 9/4 -- left the hospital on 9/8 at 7lbs 8oz
it was so frustrating that i couldn't hold him in the hospital!!!! only mommy and daddy could....

8. 9/23 -- i think this is my 2nd time holding the little guy but the first time that i remembered my camera

9. 9/23 (almost 9w)

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