Friday, July 3, 2009

the funnies


* "i know why my eyes are blue and green together! because i'm friendly to the earth!" (like mother, like daughter!)

* during math homework, where she was making up her own math problems: "i am trying to challenge myself to learn more." (what??!!)


* headick (headache)

* after i saved her stuffed puppy from a high shelf where he got stuck "mommy, you are a firefighter!"

* when talking to daddy on mommy's cell phone: "it feels like daddy's in the phone!"

* idea as a verb: "that's why you idea'd this, right chloe?", "mommy, i idea'd that frosty (her stuffed snowman) could talk!"

* one morning, i had to actually wake amelia up for school at 7:50 (she is up at 6:30 every morning like clockwork)... she sat up and said "i was tired and tired and tired all day!"

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