Wednesday, June 24, 2009

spring holidays -- 4/09

as always, we had a wonderful passover seder (complete with my favorite -- matzoh ball soup -- and jeff's favorite -- gefilte fish!!) at jeff's parents house in roosevelt on wednesday 4/8/09. as this is chloe's first year in hebrew school, the seder and the story outlined in the hagaddah was much more meaningful for her. however, even tho her reading skills are really good, she got "stage fright" and wouldn't read from the hagaddah. the bottom pic is from passover with molly (15yo) and emily (13yo) -- almost babysitting age!

we had 2 easter celebrations -- one at our house with my side of the family on saturday 4/11 and one in montclair on easter sunday 4/12 with jeff's side of the family. the favorite part, i would have to say, is the egg hunts. for weeks after easter, the girls were still hiding plastic eggs for each other.... i think we found the last one about 2 weeks ago (early june)! oh, and the easter bunny upgraded the girls easter baskets -- they are now nice, sturdy white baskets with personalized liners... amelia's is pink and chloe's is green.... so cute! the pic in the middle includes reid (5.5yo).

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